Our Services

Your full circle of


women's health clinic

Women's Health

Women need personalised care as they age and throughout their life. Greens Medical Group can connect you with the OB/GYN doctors who can help you live your healthiest life in every way.  

Children's Health Near Me

Children's Health

Taking your little ones for regular medical check-ups is important to keep them healthy. At Greens Medical Group, we check your baby’s overall health and make sure his/her development is 

antenatal care

Antenatal Care

Antenatal care involves monitoring the health of pregnant women, examining the development of the baby and preparing for the birth.  Greens Medical Group provides on-going care  

cardiologist near me

Occupational Health

Occupational health care services will ensure that your staff and employees remain healthy, reducing the number of absentees and helping you to maintain the productivity. 



Getting immunised is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your children and future generations from infectious diseases. Greens Medical Group has a team of immunisation  


Travel Medicine

If you are planning to travel outside Australia, you need to be vaccinated against the diseases that are more prevalent in the country you are traveling to. Specialised in travel medicines

Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental health refers to behavioural, cognitive and emotional wellbeing, and can affect your everyday life, relationship and physical health. At Greens Medical Group, we assess your

Health Assessment Near Me

Health Assessment

Regular health check, especially after 45 years of age, is important to assess your risk of developing chronic diseases in the future. Greens Medical Group’s health assessment is very

Men's Health

Men’s Health

Men’s health is more of a concern than women’s health when observed in the light of contemporary lifestyle. At Greens Medical Group, we have a multi-disciplinary team to

palliative care near me

Aged Care Facility Visit

We visit aged care facility upon request and provide an in-depth health assessment of patients aged 70 and over. It involves a structured way of diagnosing health conditions and  

dermatologist near me

Dermatology Assessment

Dermatology (skin) assessment is essential to examine all areas of the skin from head to toe including scalp, hair, nails and mucous membranes. Greens Medical Group specialises in

Minor Surgery Dandenong South

Minor Surgical Procedure

A minor surgical procedure involves any procedure that can be performed in an outpatient setting without using general anaesthesia. Some of the more common minor 

general practitioner near me

Palliative Care

Palliative care is a specific medical care that is aimed at providing relief to the patients suffering from pain and other symptoms of serious illness such as cancer, heart disease


Dermatology Assessment

Dermatology (skin) assessment is essential to examine all areas of the skin from head to toe including scalp, hair, nails and mucous……

general practitioner near me

Minor Surgical Procedure

A minor surgical procedure involves any procedure that can be performed in an outpatient setting without using general……..

We are committed to unlocking your well being, Need a Doctor?